Guitar Chords and Rhythm Worksheet 1
PDF – Guitar Chords and Rhythm Worksheet 1 Go to worksheet 2 → This exercise sheet is for beginner guitarists and advanced beginners. Method: Using rhythm 1, play this rhythm for all 4 chords on the sheet in sequence (e.g. Em – down down down up down, Am...
Fingerstyle Guitar – Easy Songs in the Public Domain
This guitar ebook includes fingerstyle arrangements for Brahms Lullaby, Kumbaya, Ode To Joy, Sarabande, Can Can, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Frère Jacques and All Through The Night. There is also a selection of fingerpicking, bluegrass and chord strumming...
Exercises 13-14 – Inside The Book: 50 Chord Exercises for Beginners
These two guitar chords exercises are featured in the book 50 Acoustic Guitar Chord Exercises On this chords exercise sheet, we will be working with four chords: E7, Em7, G6 and Am7. Exercise 13 E7 is used a lot in Blues music and Em7 can be used as a variation on the...
Exercises 11-12 – Inside The Book: 50 Chord Exercises for Beginners
These two guitar chords exercises are featured in the book 50 Acoustic Guitar Chord Exercises On this chords exercise sheet, we will be working with four chords: Cadd9, Em7, D and Dsus2. Exercise 11 Cadd9 and Em7 are 2 very popular open chords, and are used in...
Exercises 9-10 – Inside The Book: 50 Ukulele Chord Exercises for Beginners
These 2 ukulele chord exercises are featured in the book 50 Ukulele Chord Exercises On this chords exercise sheet, we will be working with four chords: Em7, Edim7, F and Fadd9. Exercise 9 Whilst we don’t usually play diminished chords at beginners level, this...
Exercises 7-8 – Inside The Book: 50 Ukulele Chord Exercises for Beginners
These 2 ukulele chord exercises are featured in the book 50 Ukulele Chord Exercises On this chords exercise sheet, we will be working with three chords: A, A7 and Dsus2. Exercise 7 The first strum is worth 2 beats. You can see that the note is not coloured in and it...
Beginners Ukulele Chord Exercises 5-6 of 50
These 2 ukulele chord exercises are featured in the book 50 Ukulele Chord Exercises Here are 2 beginners ukulele chord exercises using C, am and F chords. On this sheet, we start to work on strumming rhythms. Exercise 5 uses C and Am chords and the rhythm is down up...
Beginners Rock Guitar Skills Book
Buy Now → Free 6 page pdf preview (click the buy now link then the preview button at the top right) Guitar tab & sheet music Learn the basics of rock guitar 40 rock guitar skills exerecises Learn with an acoustic or electric guitar This rock guitar skills book is...
Sheet 8 – Beginners Guitar Chords – Easy Reading Chord Exercise
Free PDF for this sheet. On this sheet we are going to use the beginners guitar chords A, D and E. We are in the key of A and the chords are using the I IV and V (A = 1st, D = 4th, E = 5th) chord positions. The 1 4 5 pattern is very popular and playing them in order...
Beginners Guitar Chords – Easy Reading Book
Free Preview → Buy Now → 18 pages (15 sheets with chord exercises) Printable PDF File Guitar book for beginners and teachers Useful for beginners of all ages Exercises with Beginners Chords Chord Progressions Rhythms and rests All of these chords are featured at least...
10 easy strumming rhythms for beginners
This lesson plan is great for beginner guitarists and ukulele players. The D = Down and U = Up markings are used widely online, and are easy to follow for beginners and all. This sheet is best used by a teacher because they will instantly know how to demonstrate the...
Exercises 13 and 14 from the 50 Guitar & Ukulele Chord Exercises ebooks
Using the easy open chords, follow the rhythms and down/up markings shown on the sheet. Exercise 13 Exercise 13 – strum down for 2 beats, then down up down up. The counting would be “1 (2) 3 + 4 +”. Exercise 14 Exercise 14 – strum down for 1...
Exercises 9 and 10 from the 50 Guitar & Ukulele Chord Exercises ebooks
Two interesting exercises to try for free here for the guitar and ukulele. Both exercises are a lot harder on the guitar. In the ebook sometimes the ukulele chords are harder – it depends which chords are being used. The rhythms are exactly the same for both so...