

Here is a list of dynamic markings you might encounter in drum sheet music. This list will be updated as more dynamic markings are thought of, and will start out as a basic list of fundamental dynamics notation. pp (pianissimo = very soft/quiet) p (piano = soft/quiet)...
Relative minor and relative major theory summary

Relative minor and relative major theory summary

Natural minor scales consist of 7 different notes, and the same goes for major scales.Some major and minor scales have the same notes as each other, but start on different notes, making them different key signatures. These are relative keys. For example, the C major...


Accents are where you play notes or chords a bit louder. It enables the dynamics for a section to stay the same, but highlight certain notes as being a bit louder. They are used by all styles of music, and are a good way to add dynamic rhythm. For example, to make a...


An ostinato is a repetating pattern, phrase or motif within a piece of music. For example, a short repeating guitar riff is an ostinato. More info on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ostinato
Root Notes

Root Notes

Questions about learning root notes and why comes up a lot by guitarists. In this article, I will attempt to answer some questions you might have about root notes, and hopefully encourage some people enough to spend time to learn them. Learning root notes might sound...