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  • Guitar tab & sheet music
  • Learn the basics of rock guitar
  • 40 rock guitar skills exerecises
  • Learn with an acoustic or electric guitar

This rock guitar skills book is aimed at ages 7-12, who have learned a little bit about how to read and play guitar already, although teenagers and adults could use this book too as a way into learning rock guitar. Their knowledge needs to be very basic, enough to be able to read basic guitar tabs and to be able to push down on the strings to play notes cleanly. Towards the end of the book, the difficulty level rises and the guitarist will need to be able to play chords and to count and play rhythms with rests.

Other books (before/after/similar)

For complete beginners, I would recommend starting with one or more of these books first: First Guitar Book – Easy Reading

Beginners Guitar Chords Book (Easy Reading)

These books are at a similar level, and could be learned before, after, or instead of this book:

Beginners Classical and Fingerstyle Guitar
50 Acoustic Guitar Chord Exercises Ebook – Basic Beginners & Grade 1-2

For the next level up after this book, you could try:

27 Guitar Chord Exercises Grade 1-2 – Book 2
10 Acoustic Guitar & Ukulele Songs – Volume 1 (Audio & Sheet Music)
6 Rock and Blues Play Along Backing Tracks

People that might find this book useful

  • Beginner Guitar students of any age group, particularly from ages 7-12 if the student has already started at a young age.
  • Guitar teachers can print the book or single sheets for their students.
  • Guitar students that want to learn the basics of rock and metal guitar.
  • Parents may be able to teach their children with this book.
  • Some guitarists may be able to teach themselves with this book, especially if they have some reading knowledge.


Topics covered in this book:

  • How to read the notation
  • Warm Up Sheet with scales
  • Single String Riffs
  • Basic Riffs with Power Chords
  • Power Chord Riffs with rhythms and counting
  • Riffs with palm muting
  • Basic Rock Chords with rhythms
  • Riffs and patterns using scales such as the minor pentatonic scale
  • Chords with Picking


Final Thoughts

This is my 10th guitar book covering beginner levels and I have used my knowledge and experience of this along with my 12 years experience of teaching, to create a niche book that I think will suit so many young guitarists learning how to play rock guitar, at a basic level. Many of which will be learning on a ¾ size acoustic guitar, and that is perfectly ok. They are very easy to transport into school for youngsters and there is no messing around with amps and leads. Perhaps this book could be used by a teenager or adult too as an open door into the world of rock guitar at a very basic level.

\m/ Enjoy! \m/