5 Movable 1 Octave Scale shapes in 5 keys – 25 Scales – PDF
Free PDF:5 Moveable 1 Octave Guitar Scales in 5 different keys Free Guitar Pro 7 File:5 Moveable 1 Octave Guitar Scales in 5 different keys All scales in 5 keys: G, A, B, C, D 5 Major scales 5 Major Pentatonic scales 5 Minor Pentatonic scales 5 Blues scales 5 Natural...
Warm Up Tabs for Guitar, Bass & Ukulele – Scales & Arpeggios
We’re still in lockdown in Wales (UK), and we can only travel 5 miles. I’ve been busy teaching online lessons and also have done a lot of DIY projects around the house. I thought I would have had loads of time to update my blogs but I’ve been too...
2 Octave Major and Minor Scales in G
It’s another rainy day in the UK and for some reason I’ve woken up early and I have some time before work to post this. Blueberry porridge with honey, a cup of tea, rain, politics ruining another Christmas, yet we plod on with uncertainty debating on...
Sheet 3 – A Minor Pentatonic Scale Practice Exercises Grade 1-3
Welcome to the third sheet in a series of posts on the A minor pentatonic scale, which includes various exercises designed to build up your knowledge of the scales and also to give you ideas and memories of ideas for soloing and melody making. There are 4 exercises...
Sheet 2 – A Minor Pentatonic Scale Practice Exercises Grade 1-2
Welcome to the second sheet in a series of posts on the A minor pentatonic scale, which includes various exercises designed to build up your knowledge of the scales and also to give you ideas and memories of ideas for soloing and melody making. In this second sheet,...
Sheet 1 – A Minor Pentatonic Scale Practice Exercises Grade 1-2
Welcome to the start of a series of posts on the A minor pentatonic scale, which includes various exercises designed to build up your knowledge of the scales and also to give you ideas and memories of ideas for soloing and melody making. In this first sheet, we will...
Sheet 3 – Learning Minor Pentatonic Scales – A minor – Patterns 1, 2 and 3
This sheet progresses on from Sheet 2 and is part of an ebook called Learning Minor Pentatonic Scales. Just like we did in the last sheet, you will be working on patterns 1, 2 and 3 but this time, 2 frets higher in the key of A minor. More Sheets in the series…...
(PREMIUM) – First Guitar Book – Easy Reading Scales, Riffs & Melodies
Buy Now → A Ukulele Version is also available. PDF ebook 20 pages Easy to read design Song melodies Scales Riffs Useful for beginners of all ages. Includes 3 blank template PDF files for writing your own scales and exercises Contents Front Cover Contents Introduction...
(PREMIUM) – Learning Minor Pentatonic Scales – PDF Ebook
Buy Now → Contents 2 – Contents 3 – Introduction 4 – The 5 Moveable Scale Shapes 5 – Exercise Sheets 1 – 13 18 – Full run through of all 5 scale shapes in various keys 24 – All possible A minor pentatonic scale positions...
Sheet 2 – Learning Minor Pentatonic Scales – G minor – Patterns 1, 2 and 3
This sheet progresses on from Sheet 1. In this sheet we introduce the 3rd minor pentatonic pattern. This pattern appears twice in the exercise. We are trying to learn it but at the same time we will try and build relationships between the 3rd shape and the 1st and 2nd...
Sheet 1 – Learning Minor Pentatonic Scales – G minor and A minor – Patterns 1 and 2
When learning the minor pentatonic scales (and most other scales too), it is important not to view them as boxes that you get stuck in when playing guitar solos. There are 5 shapes and the sooner you get used to linking them up and not lingering on one shape, the...
Sheet 1 – Easy Reading Guitar Scale Exercises
Over the last 9 years of teaching guitar I have noticed young beginners in particular struggle to get to grips with reading guitar tab, but it’s sometimes any age. They get confused over which string the top line of the tab is. Usually they think it’s the...
(PREMIUM) – Grade 3-4 Ebook – Scales, Arpeggios, Barre Chords and Guitar Solo Exercises
Buy Now → The Buy Now button will take you to the product page. There you can download a free 9 page preview by clicking the ‘Preview’ link at the top right of the cover image. 3. Contents 4. Introduction 5. Scales & Arpeggios: Grade 3 –...