Sheet 8 – Beginners Guitar Chords – Easy Reading Chord Exercise
Free PDF for this sheet. On this sheet we are going to use the beginners guitar chords A, D and E. We are in the key of A and the chords are using the I IV and V (A = 1st, D = 4th, E = 5th) chord positions. The 1 4 5 pattern is very popular and playing them in order...
Beginners Guitar Chords – Easy Reading Book
Free Preview → Buy Now → 18 pages (15 sheets with chord exercises) Printable PDF File Guitar book for beginners and teachers Useful for beginners of all ages Exercises with Beginners Chords Chord Progressions Rhythms and rests All of these chords are featured at least...
Sheet 1 – Rock Riffs – Bass Guitar
I’ve finally got another bass guitar student! I teach so many weekly guitar drums and ukulele lessons but I haven’t had a bassist to teach in 2 years. This is an example of why bands find it so hard to find a bass player. This new student is a complete...
(PREMIUM) – First Guitar Book – Easy Reading Scales, Riffs & Melodies
Buy Now → A Ukulele Version is also available. PDF ebook 20 pages Easy to read design Song melodies Scales Riffs Useful for beginners of all ages. Includes 3 blank template PDF files for writing your own scales and exercises Contents Front Cover Contents Introduction...
(PREMIUM) – First Ukulele Book – Easy Reading Scales & Melodies
Buy Now → A Guitar Version is also available. This easy reading Ukulele book has been created using Adobe Illustrator so that the basics of song melodies, scales, arpeggios and warm up exercises can be taught, learned and read in the easiest and clearest way possible...
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star – Easy Reading Guitar Tab
Here is an easy to read and easy to play guitar sheet of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in guitar tab. It’s been designed in Adobe Illustrator for a custom look and easy to read for young beginners. Ideal to use as teaching material. Related: This sheet is included...
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star – Ukulele Easy Reading Tab
Here is an easy to read and play sheet of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in ukulele tab. It’s been designed in Adobe Illustrator for a custom look and easy to read for young beginners. The sheet is ideal to use as teaching material for young ukulele students....
Sheet 1 – Easy Reading Ukulele Scale Exercises
Over the last few years of teaching ukulele (and 9 years of teaching guitar) I have noticed young beginners in particular struggle to get to grips with reading tab, but it’s sometimes any age. They get confused over which string the top line of the tab is....